Saturday, November 25, 2017

Episode 11: Duterte on a similar path as Daang Matuwid?

Both Daang Matuwid and the Duterte’s Tapang at Malasakit sought to reshape society through moral rectitude: the former by fighting corruption, the latter by fighting drugs and criminals. The problem was that both the LP and DDS (Duterte Defense Squad) took extra-legal and extra-judicial shortcuts to achieve their objectives, thinking that their democratic mandate justified this.

But democratic accountability and rule of law can sit side by side with robust and effective law enforcement. Achieving this requires both administration and opposition to work together towards a national consensus around workable solutions. Purposeful evolution rather than revolution is needed.

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Saturday, November 18, 2017

Episode 10: The question of Philippine federalism, Part 1

Consider the following question: Would you rather have our government run by competent national officials, or by less competent local officials with better ties to local communities?

Or to paraphrase Pres. Manuel L. Quezon, who said he’d rather have a government “run like hell by Filipinos to a government run like heaven by Americans”, would you prefer your town to be “run like hell” by local officials than to be “run like heaven” remotely by distant officials from Imperial Manila? This is the question of the hour, as we consider federalism.

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Sunday, November 12, 2017

Episode 9: Duterte's foreign policy, Part 1

(image courtesy of
This episode is the first in a series where we will look at President Duterte’s foreign policy. Many analysts say that it is in total disarray. They cite the strained relations with the EU and US for his war on drugs, our inability to press home the advantage after winning our arbitration case against China in the Hague back in July 2016. But are they right? Does the president’s foreign policy lack cohesion and clarity? [Errata: it is mentioned at the start of the clip that China will be represented by Pres. Xi at the summit, when it is Premier Li Keqiang who is attending on his behalf. Sr Assoc Justice Carpio was referred to as a "former" justice when he in fact is a current one.]

Listen to or download the podcast here.

Get the show notes to this podcast here.