Sunday, August 25, 2019

Episode 26: Yellow Alert! How do you address populism?

Can the yellow forces open a third act? They’ve dealt with populism from the left through reforms that have produced economic growth and expanded the state’s capacity to spend for social programs. Can they deal with populism on the right by doing the same for infrastructure, public safety and security?

Download or play the episode by clicking on the arrow below.

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Episode 25: Yellow Alert! Is the opposition drawing the wrong lessons from recent elections?

Is the opposition drawing the wrong lessons from recent elections?

Are they committing the same mistakes now, which could potentially make them obsolete in the future?

What lessons have the opposition taken away from the elections of 2016 & ‘19? Are they the right ones? What lessons could they have drawn, but are refusing to because it would mean admitting some painful truths to themselves? What are the implications for the future?

Stream or download the program by clicking on the arrow below: